Tax Services

When it comes to the world of taxes, preparation and planning go a LONG way. We have the expertise and knowledge you are looking for in a tax professional and can help you navigate your options.

We’re happy to help you with any of these services:

Tax Preparation

Stop missing out on potential deductions that could be saving you big money!

Tax Planning

Real strategies and solutions to help you minimize your IRS liability.

IRS AUDIT Representation

Don’t go it alone! We’re your ally and representative in an IRS audit.

Shabbir Hussain’s Tax Extension Breakdown

It's the final full week of tax season, and our office in Northern Virginia is hopping! But yes, I'm still taking the the time to step away for a moment and write to you, my friend. Lots of business to communicate today, with the deadline of Tuesday, April 17th, right...

Effective Meetings Guidelines For Northern Virginia Companies Looking For Efficiency

Well, I don't want to alarm you but the chances are good that we DON'T have to meet anytime in the next couple weeks, as we move towards tax season.(That is, unless something has changed with your Northern Virginia business, and you need our help. Give us a call:...

The Pareto Principle And Your Company’s Work Cycle

Slogging through the summer, and with the weather still hot, it can be really tempting to sort of press cruise control for the month of August until Labor Day hits us, and *then* really put that nose to the grindstone. But could it be that a rhythm of working a little...

Shabbir Hussain’s Small Business Cash Flow Controls

... cash flow.Shoot, this is even true for any nonprofit of any kind of substance.And yes, my meticulous accountant's brain is kicked into high gear in this response, but you need somebody in your corner who is thinking about these things, or your Northern Virginia...

Focus Training For Folks In Northern Virginia

Now that we're into June, it really does feel like summer is here. The air conditioning kicks in, the days are hotter ... and, if you're like me, "focus" becomes something I have to set myself towards. It doesn't just "happen" -- especially when the days are hot. It...

Let’s Talk About Your Business…

See, relative to their income, the rich are frugal. They save and invest. They spend less than 65% of their take-home pay on day-to-day expenses.

The Behavior Profile of Our Northern Virginia Clients with the Highest Level of Financial Security

The madness of March certainly delivered over the weekend, huh? Plenty of upsets and surprises, which always makes this time of year fun for basketball fans. Or, so I hear. After all, this tournament seems to happen yearly, and until the IRS changes the deadline for...

Strategizing Your Northern Virginia Business’s Cash Flow Plan For 2019

2018 is FINALLY over, and we have a brand new year ahead of us ... and it feels pretty great. The year ahead is full of possibilities for your Northern Virginia business, and we are so privileged to walk alongside you in the financial aspects of these...

Effectively Using Your Northern Virginia Company’s CRM For Sales Management

Well, before I dive into today's dose of real world business strategy, you should know that as I write on Monday, the IRS has begun receiving filed federal tax returns.That means things are about to get real.Now, for our Northern Virginia business owner clients (like...

3+ Reasons Why Northern Virginia Taxpayers Might Need to File an Amended Return

Well, we did it. You did it. We made it through the tax busy season. Every year, when I shut our Northern Virginia office door on April 15th (the 17th this year -- er, the 18th, because of the IRS "issues"), I feel a huge weight lift off of my shoulders. Going home...

How You’re Missing Legal Tax Deductions

Here’s a certain truth: the State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.

But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!